
Active Schools Committee

This is the 2021-2022Active Schools Committee. It is made up of one pupil per class.

The committee meet up regularly and discuss issues in regards to keeping St. Louis SPS active as well as promoting physical activities in the school.

The committee provide feedback to and from their peers. The committee makes intercom announcement regarding physical activity in the school.

They come up with ideas to keep the school active. They discuss the active leader role as well as the active line activities.

They discuss P.E equipment and if report if any equipment needs to be upgraded.


Active School Slogan

This year the Active Committee and pupils of St. Louis SPS worked very hard to come up with an Active School slogan for our school.

Here is what we came up with:

‘Stay Active’

The poster was decorated by the Active Committee 2021 – 2022


Active School Notice Boards

At the front of our school we have 4 Active schools notice boards. These boards inform the pupils, staff and parents about how St. Louis SPS are an Active School.

We have an Active Achievements wall where all of the pupils active achievements are displayed.

There is also lots of information about how to stay fit and healthy.

You can see photos of past active events from our school on the Active Notice Boards too.


‘What Club Are You In’ survey

The active committee visited all of the classrooms and took a survey about the different sports clubs that pupils are in. It was amazing to see all the activities that are going on outside of school time. Now we have the results displayed on our active school boards in school.



Active School Flag Questionnaires

In St. Louis we appreciate the feedback from pupils and parents regarding Active School Flag and P.E.

We asked the pupils for their feedback.

We received lots of positive feedback from the pupils about P.E and Active School Flag in the school. There are many great suggestions that we will discuss as a staff and hopefully see some implemented in the future.

We asked the parents for their feedback.

As you can see from the pie charts above the parents surveyed are very positive about the Active School Flag and the varied P.E. curriculum offered to the pupils in St. Louis. There were many great suggestions made on how we can improve P.E. in the school. Those suggestions will be discussed as a staff.



School/community links

Swan Leisure

All pupils in St. Louis SPS are offered swimming lessons every year. We work with Swan Lesiure to deliver an aquatics programme suitable for each class standard.



Tag rugby with Leinster Rugby

This year some classes are learning all about tag rugby with Ken from Leinster rugby.


Kevins GAA

Kevins GAA are partnered with our school and offer much support through coaching, transport to their pitches for training and games, equipment and much more. With the help of Kevins, our school has managed to give a large section of the St. Louis student body a chance to experience hurling and camogie.


Sam Maguire Trophy visits St. Louis

Huge thanks to Paul and Kevins G.A.A who brought in the Sam Maguire Cup for a flying visit to St. Louis on Wednesday 21st November. The second class hurling team as well as the school football team got a chance to hear about the history of the cup, see it and even got to hold it. The cup weighs a massive 12.7kg and is made of silver. Here’s hoping that one of the children who held it today will get a chance to bring this cup or one like it back to us in the future as a winning player!!


De Le Salle College

St. Louis and Se Le Salle have a great relationship and every year we welcome back some transition year past pupils to help the pupils to learn and develop their soccer skills.


Dublin City Council

Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Partnership invited St. Louis SPS to go #GAGA on December 5th


What is it?


As you may be aware, participation rates for girls in sport are much lower than boys. The aim is to promote and engage more girls in physical activity. We tried to kick start this by delivering a campaign called GAGA- Get All Girls Active!

All of the girls took to the yard to take part in different activities with Mr. Whelan.

It was so great so lets continue to go GAGA girls!!!





Leinster Cricket Club

Lots of classes are learning all about Cricket this year and doing lessons with coaches in nearby Leinster Cricket Club. It is great to learn more skills.